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FINALLY FINALLY !! I finally done my assignment essay. This was my first time to write a 1200 words essay and it was about something that I wasn't really familiar with.

For this essay, I had chosen art movement- dadaism ; movie- Ghost in the Shell. At first, I thought that Ghost in the shell was surrealism but after I asked my lecturer about this, he told me that it was dadasim. So, I quickly did a research about difference between dadaism and surrealism. After the deep research, I found that there was some difference between dadaism and surrealism.

For dadaism, it actually contain some criticism, offending pictorial and somehow kind of nonsense. For surrealism, it was mostly painted but still it was illogical and strange as well. Surrealism was the extend of dadaism and so this was the reason why they were similar with each other. In the movie Ghost in the Shell, the two main things I talked about the the movie was the collage and assemblage. Collage was an art made up by pasting and sticking different texture or size of papers; assemblage was art that made up from different object and form an meaningful or meaningless art.

In this movie, it actually quite a lot of clueless character's look and it had quite much information for me to write the essay. In the essay, I also gave some of my opinion about the looks of the characters.

Besides, Mr Choy also gave a lecture about post-modernism. Dadaism and surrealism were also a part of post-modernism. Post-modernism was art that representing diverse and disperate. To me, I felt that it was quite a contrast for the post-modernism art and the modernism art because of their definition of art was different.

Among all the artist that Mr Choy had mentioned, I remembered Piero Manzoni the most. Due to his artwork, named Artist's Shit. This work was consisting 90 tin cans and each can have 30 grams of faeces... Anyway, the whole can was actually well measured and ... gross.

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