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Bittersweet is a 3 minutes more video and it is made out of 125 scenes. We used 5 weeks to draw, colour and edit by using Photoshop and iMovie. Surrealism and Dadaism are represented through various scenes and objects in this video. Viewers are also able to find comedix and sentimental elements while watching the video. Moreover, viewers will be able to relate themselves with the character as the story is close to our reality. Life is always both bitter and sweetm thus, the term Bittersweet is used as our video's title.

Thank you Ms. Fu and Mr choy for giving us comments and suggestion on the video. I will not forget the things that I learned from CTX. There are quite a lot of things I learned for this semester that might be useful for my future. Thank you for letting me understand and see more about myself through this module , these are letting me to have more improvements.

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